Video – “A Foot in the Door”

Video titled “A Foot in the Door” Presents Ex-Offender Strengths and Advantages for Employers Who Hire Ex-Offenders


Please take a look at this 10-minute video about employing the formerly incarcerated that was paid for by the Chamber of Commerce and All God’s Children of Knollwood Baptist Church.  The video includes important information regarding the strengths ex-offenders bring to the workplace, and the benefits to employers who hire ex-offenders. Some of this information might prove to be helpful to you if you are applying for or interviewing for a job in the near future.


Facts from “A Foot in the Door” Supporting the Advantages of Hiring


  • The local restaurant Sweet Potatoes is known for its high level of customer service and widely regarded as one of the finest restaurants in Winston-Salem. Co-owner, Vivian Jones, stated that approximately 85% of her employees are ex-offenders.
  • Ex-offenders have a high motivation to succeed.
  • One study indicated that employees with a criminal background were more productive than employees who did not have a criminal record.
  • Employers can earn substantial tax credits by hiring ex-offenders.